8 Morning Routines for Different Personalities to Set Your Day Up for Success

Comprehensive list of 7 different morning routines with actionable steps and estimated timeframes

5 min readJul 8, 2023

Mornings are the most important part of the day.

They have the power to shape our whole day and can determine whether we feel energised, productive, tired or sluggish.

Over the years, I’ve experimented with several morning routines to find the perfect fit for me.

I took inspiration from common morning routines as well as the morning routines of successful people, and I was finally able to craft the perfect one for me.

For this post, I’ve listed 10 amazing morning routines that you can adopt, or take ideas from!

The Self-Care Advocate

Estimated Time — 1 Hour 30 minutes

Perfect for — People who are looking to start their day with self-care activities and make their mornings as relaxing as possible.

Wake Up — 6 am (Preferably with a soothing alarm)

  1. Hydrate yourself (3 minutes)
  2. Meditate in bed / Practice affirmations (5–7 minutes)
  3. Yoga/stretching (If possible — outdoors) (20–25 minutes)
  4. Get ready for the day (20–30 minutes)
  5. Have a nutritious breakfast (15–20 minutes)
  6. Morning pages (15–20 minutes)
  7. Set intentions for the day (5–7 minutes)
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The Early Riser

Estimated Time — 2 hours 30 minutes

Perfect for — People who like waking up really early in the morning.

Wake Up — 4:30 am (Naturally or with an alarm clock)

  1. Make your bed (5 minutes)
  2. Move your body (Exercising/taking a walk/Stretching) (30 minutes)
  3. Take a refreshing shower + get ready for the day (20 minutes)
  4. Healthy breakfast (Preferably while reading or making your to-do list for the day) (20 minutes)
  5. Eat the frog (Finish the most important task of your day) (1 hour)
Photo by Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash

The Nature Lover

Estimated Time —1 hour

Perfect for — People who love the sun and spending time outdoors.

Wake Up — 6 am/7 am(Naturally or with an alarm clock)

  1. Let natural light into your space and wake up peacefully (10 minutes)
  2. Step outside and spend a few minutes in nature (5 minutes)
  3. Outdoor meditation/journalling (10 minutes)
  4. Take a peaceful walk (20 minutes)
  5. Return home and prepare a nutritious breakfast while planning your day ahead (20 minutes)
Photo by Kilyan Sockalingum on Unsplash

The Knowledge Seeker

Estimated Time — 1 Hour 45 minutes

Perfect for — Individuals who prioritize continuous learning and intellectual growth.

Wake up — 6 am / 7 am

  1. Hydrate
  2. Coffee/breakfast while reading a book (30 minutes)
  3. Take a walk while listening to a podcast/audiobook of your choice (20 minutes)
  4. Practice creative writing or journaling (15 minutes)
  5. Engage in a brain-stimulating activity like puzzles or crosswords (15 minutes)
  6. Watch a TED Talk or educational video (20 minutes)
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

The Goal Setter

Estimated Time — 2 hours

Perfect for — Individuals who are driven by goal setting and visualisation in the mornings and anyone who loves to structure their day and plan and organise.

Wake Up — 6 am / 7 am (Select the time that aligns with your schedule)

  1. Review your long-term goals (look at your vision board) as soon as you wake up (5 minutes)
  2. Visualise your day while getting ready (15–20 minutes)
  3. Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks for the day (10 minutes)
  4. Deep work session to tackle important tasks (1 hour)
  5. Engage in physical activity to boost energy and productivity (20 minutes)
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

The Productivity Enthusiast

Estimated Time — 2 hours

Perfect for — Individuals who prioritise efficiency and productivity in their daily lives and want to make the most out of their mornings.

Wake Up —5 am / 6 am (Choose the time that suits your routine)

  1. Wake up and get ready for the day (10 minutes)
  2. Move your body (15 minutes)
  3. Plan your day by creating a schedule or using time-blocking techniques (15 minutes)
  4. Eliminate distractions and clean your workspace (10 minutes)
  5. Productive deep-work session (your most important task) (45 minutes)
  6. Take a short break to recharge (Check your email/read) (10 minutes)
  7. Another deep work session (45 minutes)
Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash

The Student

Estimated Time — 1 Hour 30 minutes

Perfect for — Students who want to start their day on a productive and focused note and prioritise learning and reviewing material.

Wake Up — Choose the time that aligns with your school

  1. Hydrate + get ready (15 minutes)
  2. Engage in a quick exercise or stretch to wake up your body (10 minutes)
  3. Plan your day (each study session + goal) (10 minutes)
  4. Prepare a nutritious breakfast to fuel your brain for the day (20 minutes)
  5. Study — Review, Take notes, Understand concepts, or solve past papers (test yourself) (1 hour)
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Creative individuals

Estimated Time: 2 hours

Perfect for: Writers/content creators and creative individuals seeking inspiration and a focused start to their day.

Wake up: 6 am

  1. Morning Pages (15 minutes)
  2. Plan the day (10 minutes)
  3. Learning (listen to podcasts/audiobooks, read, watch informative videos) (20 minutes)
  4. Enjoy a Nourishing Breakfast (15 minutes)
  5. Brainstorming Session (15 minutes)
  6. Engage in a Writing Sprint (30 minutes)
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The morning routine you choose can have a significant impact on your overall well-being, productivity, and success.

One thing that you should keep in mind is to limit screen time and avoid using social media in the mornings, for any routine.

Remember, the way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it, so make the most of those precious morning hours and make each day count.

Thanks for reading! If you found this useful:-

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A student writing about productivity and self improvement!