6 Habits that are Hindering your Productivity

Resources and science-based strategies to break these habits and boost productivity.

5 min readJul 31, 2023

We all have distractions and hobbies that hinder our progress and keep us from reaching our goals.

It’s fine to have such moments if you are able to identify these patterns and take actionable steps at the correct time.

I’ve compiled a list of common unproductive habits and strategies that I use to overcome them.

Looking at Your Phone First Thing in the Morning:

The science behind it —

When we look at our phones, our brains trigger the release of dopamine, a hormone you must have definitely heard of.

Dopamine is associated with pleasure and reward, creating a feeling of instant gratification.

However, this can lead to a dopamine loop, where we become addicted to the quick reward of checking notifications, emails, or social media.

How to break this habit —

Here are a few things you could do:-

  • Create designated digital-free zones in your morning routine.
  • Wake up using a morning alarm, and keep your phone in another room.
  • Get up immediately.
  • Delete unnecessary social media apps and disable notifications.

Dopamine is associated with many bad habits like eating junk food, binge watching etc. If this is your situation, you could try doing a dopamine detox.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Relying on Your Brain to Remember Tasks, Events, and Ideas:

Your brain is meant to have ideas, not store them.

Relying on your brain to remember everything is never a good idea, instead write things down.

Especially for people who work around content (writers, content creators, students), it is important to have a system to record everything properly.

This not only declutters your mind but also helps you stay organized and on top of your responsibilities.

How to break this habit —

  • Keep a notebook to note down thoughts, tasks, ideas etc.
  • Use apps like Notion/Apple Notes to write things down.
  • If you use task managers, have a section called ‘Inbox’ where you can brain dump everything and then sort it out later

I’ve written about my system to record information in detail here.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

The comparison trap:

In “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” Mark Manson talks about the comparison trap, a common mindset.

He highlights how modern society has created an environment where constant comparison is inevitable, leading to dissatisfaction with one’s own life.

How can you break out of this trap:-

  1. Identify triggers for comparison and negative self-talk.
  2. Find your strengths and remind yourself of them.
  3. Stay focused on your unique journey and goals.
  4. Compare yourself to your past selves.

Planning Without Taking Action:

Have you ever created to-do lists and planned out a huge personal project, only to do absolutely NOTHING about it later?

While planning is essential, it can become counterproductive if it replaces action.

80% of the effort should be focused on action, and 20% should be dedicated to planning.

The Science:

Planning alone triggers the brain’s reward centre, similar to achieving a goal. As a result, we may experience a false sense of accomplishment, leading to procrastination and lack of execution.

How to stop planning and start doing

  • Set a timer for planning, so that you don’t overplan. After the time is up, take action.
  • Implement a “Decision Deadline”: Give yourself a specific timeframe to make decisions related to your plans. (This might not apply to everyone).
  • Don’t aim for perfectionism when it comes to planning. 70% perfection is enough.

This article will help!

Credit — Elevate WellBeing

Escaping Stressful Tasks through Social Media (a.k.a procrastination):

When we feel stressed or afraid of doing something, our brain’s fear response takes over and makes us want to avoid the task altogether.

The fear response triggered by stress can overpower the prefrontal cortex, leading to avoidance of the task at hand.

Now that we’re avoiding the task, we look towards ‘not-very-stressful’ alternatives, which for most people is social media.

How to stop procrastinating (and avoid social media):

Usually, it is suggested to work on discipline and time management, and use hacks like the ‘2 minute rule’ or ‘Do something or nothing’ etc.

But now that you know the science behind why you go to social media, instead of working on important tasks, you might have understood that you need to work on reducing stress levels instead of cultivating discipline and time management.

Acknowledge why you’re avoiding the task in the first place.

You can watch this video by TED-Ed to understand this concept in more detail!

Watch the video here

Neglecting Personal Goals without Deadlines:

Without deadlines, the brain perceives personal goals as optional or non-urgent, resulting in procrastination.

The lack of external pressure diminishes our motivation to take action.

How to break this habit —

  1. Create a Vision Board: Visualize your personal goals by creating a vision board that represents your dreams and aspirations. Display it somewhere visible to remind yourself daily of what you want to achieve.
  2. Break down your personal goals into smaller, manageable tasks with clear deadlines. This way, you can track your progress and stay motivated to accomplish each step.
  3. Have an accountability partner.
  4. Schedule Time for Personal Goals: Set aside dedicated time in your daily or weekly schedule to work on your personal goals.

Track all of your progress, and once you start achieving small milestones, you will automatically have the motivation to work harder on your personal goals.

Most people thrive on achievement.

If you start working on these habits, you’ll be able to become much more productive and boost your self-esteem and motivation:-

  1. Not looking at your phone first thing in the morning.
  2. Have a system to record everything; don’t rely on your brain.
  3. Don’t compare yourself to others.
  4. Don’t over plan, start doing.
  5. Don’t use social media to escape important tasks.
  6. Don’t neglect your personal goals (like hitting the gym, eating healthier, starting a business etc.) just because they don’t have a deadline

Thanks for reading! If you found this useful:-




A student writing about productivity and self improvement!